The Infinity Swan is the Keeper of the Ultimate Power of the Fairy Animals.
The Infinity Swan is a giant white swan with purple-tipped wings, purple feet, an orange beak and eyes. He wears a gold crown with purple and green jewels and gold, purple jewel-studded collar with a green center jewel. Blue jewel strands outreach from the collar. He wears purple beads and has purple diamond shapes on his body.
The Infinity Swan is very serious and wise who is shown to be frightening when talking to those who disrespect nature, but he also seems kind to those who respect nature.
Season 7[]
In "The Power of the Fairy Animals", all of the Winx's Fairy Animals (Shiny, Critty, Flitter, Squonk, Amarok and Elas) used the Ultimate Spell and formed the Infinity Swan.
Sadly, after they used it, they will not be able to see the Winx and vise versa ever again.