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Adventure on Zenith is the ninetieth issue of the Winx Club Comic Series.


The Winx travel to Zenith's capital, Future City, on the request of King Cryos for a celebration. Upon their arrival, the Winx walk in on a presentation for new robot guardians, but unfortunately, as efficient as the robot centurions are, they are very hostile and perceive any sort of physical contact as a threat. The Winx step in to stop the rampaging robot but Tecna is turned into a titanium statue in the process! Fearing that the effects may be permanent, the remaining Winx fairies search for an old hermit named Stylius as he is the only one who has a chance at freeing their friend from a lifetime of petrification.


AoZ p1

The Winx's spacecraft headed for Zenith.

The Winx arrive in Future City, the capital city of Tecna's homeworld of Zenith, and are greeted by a robot Tecna had created in her youth named Byte after landing. As the Winx walk through Future City, Byte tries to catch up with his creator, wanting to know if she had a safe trip. Tecna assures Byte that she did, but she wonders why Byte came to their landing site, as she could have found her way home easily. She is then cut off by her mother, who appears behind them as she tells Tecna that Byte was just eager to see her again. The two of them hug each other as her mother reveals that Byte had been wondering when Tecna would complete him. Tecna assures her mother and Byte that he is in great shape as he only needs a few new parts, nothing major. Her mother then asks the Winx over how long they plan to stay in Future City. Bloom tells her that they will not be staying for long and Stella reveals that they have been invited over by the Supreme Council of Zenith to a very important event. Surprised, her mother asks whether or not something serious had happened until Tecna clarifies that they will be attending a celebration and Bloom adds in that they must attend immediately as the Magic Dimension's newest Guardian Fairies.

AoZ p4

The Winx and Byte walk in on a presentation of some sort.

And so, just a short while later, the Winx are given a ride to the Enlightened Government Plaza of Zenith by Byte. Tecna offers for Byte to come inside with them, so he takes her up on that offer and the seven of them head inside. There, they find that King Cryos had invited many ambassadors from all over the Magic Dimension and all of them are watching a man in a lab coat getting ready to present something. The man on stage goes on about how his latest prototype will have cutting-edge arsenals guided by the latest generation of artificial intelligence. From the back of the crowd, Stella begins to get confused and playfully asks for someone to translate the scientist's technobabble. She is simply told by Tecna to quiet down as technical talk like his is only typical speech for the people of Zenith. She further explain that the man on stage is named Tyron and that he is one of the leading experts in robotic technomagic. Just then, Tyron lifts the sheet from his presentation and reveals to the crowd that his prototype is for the newest generation of robot guards, simply called the "Sentry Robot." Musa wonders if they came all that way just to see a robot as Tyron continues explaining the Sentry Robots various advantages over the older robotic guard models, such as how the Sentry Robot comes with a built-in emotional chip. May of the fellow inhabitants of Zenith marvel at Tyron's Sentry Robot except for King Cryos, who seems to be remaining skeptical of it. Stella also cannot help but see something scary about it.

Tyron finishes his explanation by saying that, thanks to the emotional chip, the Sentry Robots will be able to detect the severity of the situation and use their strength as appropriate. The Royal Advisor congratulates the scientist for his work, and then announces that they will provide some sentinel robots to all the planets of Magix, and that is why all the ambassadors and the Guardian Fairies were invited, to spread the news. After a cheer from the audience, King Cryos takes the floor, indicating that he is eager to see the robot in action. Tyron activates the Robot Sentry. One of the previous guard robots lunges at him, but the new robot cuts him down very quickly. The King congratulates the researcher and shakes his hand in a grateful gesture, but the Robot Sentry interprets this as a threat and attacks the king, so Tecna and the girls quickly intervene, transforming into their Winx Believix forms.

Tecna, Bloom and Flora try to stop the robot, without success, while Byte takes the King somewhere safe. Stella asks about his weaknesses and Tyron responds that they should attack his legs. Flora uses her Summer Thunder spell and manages to immobilize the robot with thick roots. Stella attacks with Solar Storm, but the robot has created a shield. Stella and Bloom attempt a combined spell using Sun Dance and Dragon Heart, respectively. Tyron mentions that they must destroy the sensors to disable the shield. Tecna attacks with Tecnoshock and manages to stun the robot. But before they can claim victory, the sentry robot attacks Tecna, turning her into a titanium statue. The sentinel breaks free from Flora's roots, but Aisha intervenes and attacks him with Morphix Wave, knocking him to the ground. Bloom once again uses Dragon Heart to melt the robot. King Cryos is now greatly distraught for his daughter, so he orders Tyron arrested for treason. The researcher does not want to go to jail, so he begs the Winx to find his teacher, the inventor Stylius and original creator of the emotional chip, as well as the sketches for the Sentry Robots.

Aisha asks why his master abandoned his own project, but Tyron does not know the answer and the Royal Advisor adds that he left without a warning, so they have to ask him in person. Musa asks where they can find him, to which King Cryos replies that he is said to live like a hermit in the sea of ​​sand dunes, an area far from the city. The Royal Advisor mentions that no one has actually seen him in years, so the probability of finding him is really low. Byte intervenes saying that the probability of seeing him is 0.0001%, but that it is enough to maintain hope. The girls fly over the desert until Byte detects a weak energy source.

The Winx transform into their Winx Believix forms again and, although at first they find nothing, only sand, after searching for a while they find a huge pink portal. They jump inside without thinking twice. On the other side, they find a labyrinth of stairs, doors and windows that confuses them for a moment. Stella proposes that they separate to attack immediately, but Aisha replies that it is not a good idea because they could be lost forever. Bloom thinks they should think like Tecna would, they need her logic to get out of there. Byte comments that he can think like Tecna, since she programmed him to find logical solutions. Musa asks which door to choose, to which the robot responds that he can sense Stylius' essence in all of them. Stella believes it was useless, until Bloom casts her Fire Arrow spell, which never misses its target.

Following the spell, the girls end up in a room full of plants, but when Musa comments that it does not look like a hermit's house, magical bars appear before them and imprison them. Aisha is about to break the bars with her Morphix when Stylius finally appears. He asks them who they are and what they are doing there, to which the girls explain the situation. Upon learning the whole story, Stylius wants nothing to do with King Cryos, but after a moment, he reconsiders. He changes the appearance of the room to make some armchairs appear and tell everything calmly. Thanks to his explanation, the Winx learn that, in fact, the King's Advisor was aware of the consequences of mass producing such chips. The inventor tried to warn him, but the Advisor wanted the sentinels to repress the citizens, not to protect them, so he went ahead with the project. Stylius isolated himself after that.

Flora asks him about the beam that the sentinel robot launched at Tecna and if it is possible to reverse it. Stylius responds that yes, in theory it should work by reversing the charged radio and pointing it at her with a similar energy. But they need an emotional chip that is not defective. Byte mentions that he has one too and offers to sacrifice himself to save Tecna, because she is a very precious friend. Stylius is amazed that he is willing to sacrifice himself, that means Tecna managed to succeed where he failed. Bloom does not want Byte to sacrifice himself because he knows Tecna would not want that, until Stylius interrupts, stating that there may be another way. The Winx, Stylius, and Byte head to Tyron's lab, where Stylius plans to make a copy of Byte's emotional chip. The data transfer is complete, everyone rushes to the throne room, where Tecna is. Bloom announces her arrival, but the Advisor whispers to the King that they are there to attack him, so he orders his robot guards to attack. While Flora and Musa defend themselves with their spells, the newly programmed Robot Sentry defends Bloom and not only that, but disarms the robot guards without harming them, indicating that the data transfer worked and can now react rationally like a human. .

Musa finds Tecna covered by a blanket, while everyone waits for the chip to work. The new Robot Sentry activates his beam, bringing Tecna back to life. She asks what happened, very confused, and Bloom gives her a quick summary of what happened. Tecna thanks her for saving her but Bloom indicates that Byte is the hero because he was willing to sacrifice himself for her. The Royal Advisor insists that the Robot Sentry is a threat, until Stylius shows a document he sent to the Advisor, thus proving that he knew of the risks. The Counselor is imprisoned. King Cryos thanks his daughter and the Winx once again, announcing that Byte's emotional chip will be replicated to be implanted in the new Robot Sentry. Stylius congratulates Tecna for her contribution while she is very proud of Byte.

Spells Used[]


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  • Royal Advisor
  • Byte
  • Sentry Robot
  • Royal Centurions
  • Tyron
  • Stylius



  • Despite being a princess for a majority of the comic series, Tecna is no longer a member of Zenith's Royal Family as of this issue.
    • However, her mother retains the design first used in Issue 30: Love for Layla when she first appeared as the Queen of Titania. King Cryos is also drawn with the same design (with some differences) used for his father when he was Titania's king.
      • This change was also carried over in the later issues of the comics like in Issue 161: Technomagic Competition, where both of her parents' character design are completely different, matching the ones in the animated series.