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Sirenix was an ancient Fairy Form created from the magic of the oceans, and it was linked to the Infinite Ocean. It is parallel but superior to Harmonix, and it is the greatest power in all the known oceans. The Sirenix is the oldest power in the Magic Dimension.[1]



The Sirenix was an ancient power that was originally created from the magic of the primordial oceans in antiquity, presumably around the time of the formation of the Infinite Ocean, and it was the oldest known power in the Magic Dimension.[2] It is also the greatest power in all the oceans, of which little is known and it could not be easily found in any known magical databases. Its powers had been sought after before the time of Daphne and the Winx by many fairies and nymphs across the centuries, including Politea, though there were known some failures.

The Source of Sirenix is found in the cave where Daphne dwells in Lake Roccaluce which protects Sirenix and grants it to fairies who have completed the Sirenix Quest.

Prior to the Winx, Daphne was the last fairy to acquire the ancient power of the oceans. After acquiring their Sirenix, Daphne and Politea confronted the three Ancestral Witches in the Infinite Ocean, where the trio cast a terrible curse on Daphne's Sirenix, that would turn her into a disembodied spiritual being should she try to use her new Sirenix powers.

Politea, who refused to help her friend in her most desperate time, was also cursed by the Witches and turned into a ravenous sea-beast once her powers were fully corrupted. With the last two Sirenix fairies defeated, the Witches would go on to curse Sirenix itself to ensure that no other fairy would think of achieving it.

Aware that the Dragon's Flame had been passed down to Oritel and Marion's baby girl, the Ancestral Witches sought Bloom out as they left Valtor to do battle with the Company alone during their raid on Domino. As they raided the castle, they chased Daphne down for Bloom but, just as the Dragon's Flame was within their reach, Daphne sent Bloom to a place where the Witches would never be able to sense her: Earth. Ready to face the Witches, Daphne tried using her newly acquired Sirenix powers to defend herself, but the curse placed over it turned her powers against her and rendered her as nothing more than a spirit without a body, unable to help defend her home.


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Daphne using her cursed Sirenix.

In Season 5, the Winx meet with Faragonda to discuss their newfound knowledge of their Believix powers being less effective underwater, and they learn that they must acquire Sirenix in order to defeat Tritannus. Faragonda tells them that Sirenix is an ancient power that was born of the magic of the oceans, and that no one has acquired Sirenix for a long time.

She informs that in order to begin their quest, they must find the Sirenix Book, but the only person who knows its location is Daphne, Bloom's sister and the last fairy to acquire Sirenix. When Bloom asks Daphne about the location of the Sirenix Book, Daphne tells her not to look for it because it is dangerous. Bloom ends up persuading Daphne, who reveals that the Sirenix Book is in the Magic Archive of Alfea, despite the warning that the Sirenix was cursed, and could bring about the end of the Winx.

In Season 8, it is revealed that due to the magical ice on Dyamond, Sirenix can adapt to the area's weather, changing its form into Crystal Sirenix. According to Tecna, it has a high degree of adaptability.


The source of Sirenix

The Source of Sirenix


In order for a fairy to earn Sirenix, they are required to be able to undergo and pass all the riddle and trials to find and recover the three gems that represented and determined the three valued qualities of a fledgling fairy's personality (Gem of Self-Confidence, Empathy, and Courage) in the waters of the various underwater realms of the Magic Dimension within the duration of a single lunar cycle. After that, they need to activate the magic spring of Lake Roccaluce by using the Source of Sirenix prior to the return of the following full moon. Due to the curse, if a fairy does not complete the Sirenix Quest within the duration of a single lunar cycle, they will be stripped of their fairy powers permanently.

Dark Sirenix[]

It is unknown if a witch can earn Sirenix by completing Sirenix Quest or not as it is a fairy power. In the Trix's case, after Tritannus forced Daphne to tell him where the source of Sirenix power was, Tritannus headed to Lake Roccaluce to destroy the Source of Sirenix, so her Sirenix cannot be protected from being stolen by him. After he destroyed the source, Tritannus absorbed Daphne's Sirenix powers and used his trident to grant the Trix Sirenix powers, which were mixed with his pollution powers.

Sirenix Clues[]

The Sirenix Clues were riddles given to the Winx to find the gems of Self-Confidence, Empathy, and Courage.

  • Andros:

    With every twist and turn, the deeper you go until the Shimmering Shells sing with the ocean's voice.

  • Solaria:

    Venture where the dark depths of the ocean shine. A precious gem, self-confidence, lies in the deeps.

  • Melody:

    Like a ruby shining under the sea, corals are strings that you feel in a key.

  • Zenith:

    To find the gem, you must understand the message in the harp's music.

    The Winx had to understand the message in the Ruby Reef's music. It leads them to Data Bridge Castle in which Aisha, Bloom, and Tecna have unity.

  • Linphea:

    Find the Flowers of the Depths. It answers only to courage.

  • Domino:

    Find the Yellow Reef and snatch courage from its jaws.

Magical Abilities[]

Sirenix grants its possessor access to the Infinite Ocean and gives fairies and witches the ability to use their magic more easily and freely in midair, terrestrial, and underwater conditions. It also helps them to swim faster, and breathe both in underwater, midair, and terrestrial conditions.

The Sirenix possessors could also access the power of Chrono Magic to view certain events of the past in the Room of Faraway Reflections

In Season 8, it is revealed that their Crystal Sirenix power grants them another ability, the Crystal Sirenix light, which allows them to see the darkest part of the ocean. Their Crystal Sirenix power also protects users from the cold.

Special Sirenix Powers[]

With Sirenix, a fairy has a power that can be used in specific situations. Every fairy has a different type of this power:

Daphne and Politea's Special Sirenix Powers are both unknown.


Every girl has a water bubble special effect when their wings flutter.

Sirenix Wish[]

Once gaining Sirenix, a fairy is given a wish which they can ask their Guardian of Sirenix to grant once they have pleased destiny.

Musa has never used her wish. It is also unclear if she has pleased destiny. Daphne and Politea are also unknown whether they had used their respective wishes or not.

Sirenix Curse[]

At least twenty years prior to the events of Season 5, Sirenix was cursed by the three Ancestral Witches during a battle of the Infinite Ocean, turning Daphne into a disembodied spirit and Politea into a ravenous sea-beast, binding them to remain in specific locations (Daphne in the Cave of the Nymphs of the Lake Roccaluce, and Politea in her cave in the Infinite Ocean). The curse also caused the Sirenix power to turn against Daphne when she tried using it to defend herself from the Ancestral Witches during the battle of Domino, and caused Politea's own enormous Sirenix powers to be corrupted. In addition to it, the Sirenix Curse could punish the possessor physically, as revealed when Tritannus was attacked by the Emperor's Throne and Daphne revealed that it is the effect of the Sirenix Curse. The Sirenix Curse also caused the ocean level of the Infinite Ocean to drop, and Tritannus to become a monster, both in body and spirit, once he successfully activated the Emperor's Throne and took on its power to become the Emperor during the battle against Tritannus. Later, by using her Sirenix wish, Bloom breaks the curse put on Sirenix and end its legacy forever, and restores Daphne and likely Politea (although the latter was still weakened from having recently recovered from her near-death experience) to their former original selves with their powers fully restored.

Ways to Acquire[]


Sirenix concept

Harmonix concept art.

  • The name Sirenix is based on the word "sirena", which is the word for mermaids in Italian and many other languages.
  • After Sirenix was leaked at Comic Con, it was redesigned.
  • Sirenix adopted some ideas from Harmonix's concepts.
  • The fact that Sirenix has the ability to grant wishes may be derived from the fact that in mythology, mermaids have the ability to grant wishes.
  • Sirenix is so ancient that it cannot be easily found in all known magic databases.
  • Aisha appears in all three episodes in which the Winx earn the three mystical gems to finish the Quest of Sirenix.
  • Sirenix is the first transformation where the fairies have highlights on their hair, with Tynix being the second.
  • Musa is the only Winx who never uses her Sirenix wish.
  • So far, Dark Sirenix, Gloomix and Super Trix are the only witch powers/levels that are named.
    • Gloomix and Super Trix are specific to the Trix.
      • With Gloomix, it is uncertain if this is a natural progress in witch levels, since the Trix were given Gloomix by Darkar himself.
      • Super Trix is the merging of the Trix and their ancestors.
  • Thus far, Sirenix was drawn in seven different art styles and it is the only transformation to be ever featured in every style that the show has explored throughout the years.
  • This is one of the two transformations, Sirenix in Season 5 (2D), which its full transformation sequences is not shown fully in the series, with the other being Mythix.
  • This is the first Fairy Form in which the Winx all have identically-shaped wings, with the second being Cosmix.
  • In Season 5-6:
    • This is the first transformation to maintain its 2D poses in 3D.
    • Some sequences in the 3D transformations are similar to each other in pairs, one of the most notable ones are Flora and Musa.
    • During Musa's Sirenix 2D transformation, her arm ribbon first appears on her left arm, even though it supposed to be on her right arm. However, when she strikes her final pose, the ribbon is in the correct position.
    • Flora's Sirenix wings appeared to be smaller than the actual size in her 2D Sirenix final pose.
    • Stella's highlights are in pink in 3D transformation, but become purple in 2D one.
      • Later in Season 8's transformations, her hair gains reddish pink highlights.
    • Flora is supposed to have pink highlights in her hair but they are not visible in either of her Sirenix transformations. The highlights are only visible underwater.
      • They are added on Season 8's transformations.
    • Stella's wings are upside down during her transformation.
    • This is the first Fairy Form in which Bloom's hair turns dark red, with the second being Bloomix and the third being Mythix.
      • However, in the redesigned and Crystal version, her hair retains its original orange.
    • This is the first Fairy Form in which the Winx's wings occasionally emit streaks of energy before casting a spell, with the second being Bloomix.
  • In Seasons 6 and 7 Daphne is the only known Sirenix fairy to have two armbands.
    • Sirenix (2D version) is currently the longest known transformation sequences to be featured in the series.
  • In Season 8:
    • Sirenix is among the three transformations that will return in Season 8, the other two being Enchantix and Butterflix.
    • This is the second transformation to be reanimated in the new animation style.
    • The girls' hair color no longer changes underwater for an unknown reason.
    • This transformation is solely used to breathe underwater and to survive easily in cold temperatures.
    • It is revealed the Winx can return to their Enchantix and Sirenix forms at will, with no explanation how.
    • There is no in-universe explanation for the redesigning of Enchantix, Sirenix, or Butterflix.
    • Both Sirenix and Crystal Sirenix do not have an ending pose scene for the Winx.

Transformation Sequences[]

