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WOW2-1 (A Touch of Magic)
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Attack on the Core PopStars! Orion's Secret



Narrator: Led by Obscurum, the Staryummies manage to absorb all the energy from Lumenia's core. But the Winx were able to restore its light, thanks to their Cosmix powers. Dorana arranges a party to thank the Winx, but the evil Valtor is ready to attack the starship Peripla.

Scene: Winx's Dorm

Bloom: Hey girls, did you hear the news? Sky is here at Alfea with a surprise! He just texted me!
Stella: Wow! I wonder what it is?
Tecna: Yeah! I wonder...
Bloom: I can't wait, I'm gonna find out!
Aisha: Hey, not so fast!
Musa: Are you running to Sk– ouch!

  • Aisha stomps on her foot*

Bloom: I have to know what he's up to. He got me all curious!
Stella: So where is Sky? He's super late!
Flora: I know! He asked us to buy him some time.
Tecna: He's setting up a picnic, how hard can that be?
Aisha: Guys... They have a way of complicating everything!
Bloom: Ugh... I'm tired of waiting!
Tecna: Okay, here's the plan. Stella and I will keep Bloom busy.
Stella: You three find Sky, he might need a hand!
Flora: Don't worry! Kiko and Knut are helping him.
Stella: That's what I'm worried about!

Scene: Alfea

Sky: Almost done, guys! We have all kinds of snacks. Bloom's favorites: strawberries, stuffed sandwiches, plenty of sweets... Knut!
Knut: Kiko! Give it back!
Sky: Argh! STOP IT!!! Look at this mess!
Aisha: Do you need a hand, Sky?
Sky: Ugh... No, why do you ask?
Aisha: Mmm hmm. Never mind then. Good luck.
Sky: Okay, okay, okay, girls! Wait!
Musa: Is something wrong?
Sky: Yes! I'm Prince of Eraklyon! Leader of the Specialists! I've traveled the stars, piloted spaceships, defeated hundreds of monsters. But nothing could've prepared me for this - Aisha: picnic under the stars. And I totally blew it.
Musa: Bloom will appreciate your efforts, Sky. I'm sure.
Flora: Relax, your picnic will be perfect. It just needs a feminine touch.

  • Flora uses her magic*

Musa: Yeah! And remember, details make all the difference!
Aisha: Scented candles, for instance... What's with that look, Kiko? It's infused with a fresh marine scent.
Knut: Whoa! It reminds me of troll's breath!
Aisha: Knut!
Knut: That's a compliment! Troll's breath is the best.
Flora: Hm, maybe...
Musa: Leave this to me, Sky.

  • She uses her magic on the sandwiches and hands one to Sky*

Musa: Try some!

  • Music plays as he bites*

Musa: It's musical food. I just came up with it! Every bite is exciting!

  • He tries again*

Sky: No, I'd say deafening, more than exciting!
Musa: Ugh! You must be tone-deaf.
Sky: Please, stop!
Flora: Don't give up, Sky! Simple is better sometimes. Like watching the stars on a bed of flowers. How about this?
Sky: That's a great idea. Thank you, girls! You were a huge help. *whispers* Uh, mostly just you, Flora... but don't tell the others, okay?
Musa & Aisha: We're standing right here!

  • A spacecraft arrives*

Brandon: Sorry to interrupt, Sky... but duty calls!
Aisha: Brandon! What happened?
Brandon: There's no time to explain! Top secret mission!
Sky: Gotta go, girls! Sorry!
Flora: What about your picnic under the stars?
Sky: Uh... just a little delayed. Bloom will understand.
Aisha: I wouldn't be so sure about that...

Scene: Bloom & Flora's Room

Bloom: What?! What do you mean Sky left? Like out of the blue? What about my surprise? We haven't had any time together in so long.
Stella: All guys are crazy. But you'll always have us, your best friends!

Scene: Valtor's Hideout

Valtor: I trust everything is going according to plan for once, Obscurum. I must absorb more star energy! Then, once again I shall be–
Obscurum: ...the most powerful sorcerer in the Magic Universe! Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Valtor: Am I boring you?
Obscurum: Oh, no, no no, Your Great Malevolence! Not at all, never.
Valtor: Good! Now, get out of my sight. I don't want to hear another peep until you've absorbed every sliver of light from Peripla!
Obscurum: Consider it done, Your Vileness!

Scene: Alfea

Bloom: I know Sky is on a mission... but he hasn't texted me yet. I'm worried.
Stella: Relax, Bloom! He'll be back before you know it.
Twinkly: Look out below! I need to work on my landings!
Bloom: What's going on, Twinkly?
Twinkly: I have a starsome surprise for you!

  • The girls are amazed*

Tecna: It's a holomap of the entire Magic Universe! How did you make it?
Twinkly: With Dorana's help! She gave me a special power, too! It'll let you stay one step ahead of Valtor!
Tecna: Really? How?
Twinkly: Easy! Whenever a star is attacked by the Staryummies, it'll start blinking on the map! See? It works perfectly!
Stella: Fabulous! Um... I mean, this is terrible! A star is in danger!
Aisha: Hey! Why is it moving?
Twinkly: That’s because Peripla is a very special star! We gotta save it, come on!

Scene: Space

Twinkly: We're almost there! That's Peripla!
Flora: Wonderful! It looks kind of like a spaceship!
Twinkly: It's a starship, to be exact. And it's one of a kind!

Scene: Peripla

Twinkly: It moves from one galaxy to another lighting the way for traveling spacecrafts.
Tecna: Do Lumens live on Peripla, too?
Twinkly: Yes! And we have to find a way to get on board without scaring them.
Bloom: Right! Better not alarm them until we know exactly what's going on.
Musa: I've got an idea.

Scene: Control Room

Twinkly: Captain, I'm excited to introduce the... uh... Popstars! They have a special show for you, it's called "music"!
Captain: What is this "music"? My crew and I have never heard of it.
Twinkly: It's something that makes it impossible to keep still and it makes you super happy!
Captain: We can't wait to find out! You're welcome, Popstars!
Bloom: Hey, isn't that–
Captain: This is the core of our starship! A true engine of starlight!
Stella: Wow! Starsome!
Captain: This ruby lets us channel the light energy, powering the ship! Engines at full power! Full speed ahead!
Lumen #1: A ship is approaching, Captain! It doesn't seem hostile.
Captain: Hard to port, crew! Close in on the ship!
Lumens: Yes, Captain!
Captain: Come on, girls! Don't give up!
Lumen #2: Uh... yes... uh... Captain.
Sky: Owl to Peripla, do you read me?
Captain: Loud and clear!
Sky: This is the Specialists! We're on the trail of a ruby thief and we believe he's in the vicinity of your star!

Scene: Specialists' Spacecraft

Sky: We aren't familiar with this area of space! We'll have to follow your light!
Bloom: So this is your top secret mission, Sky?
Sky: Bloom?

Scene: Control Room

Sky: Uh, what are you doing on Peripla?
Bloom: Sorry... that's top secret.
Captain: A ruby thief, you said? If he steals our ruby, we'll be lost!
Bloom: It won't happen, Captain! The Specialists will capture the thief, no question!
Tecna: We should keep our eyes open too, anyway.
Aisha: Right! Obscurum and his Staryummies might already be on board, waiting to make their move.
Stella: The crew looks stressed. But we know how to cheer them up, don't we?

Scene: Auditorium

Twinkly: I'm overjoyed to introduce the Popstars!

  • The Winx play music*

Scene: Peripla

Obscurum: Be careful... this music can cause weird effects! Stop it, furballs! They'll catch us! Oh, no! Not again! No way! This music is a truly powerful magic! I'll follow Valtor's suggestion and try to use it to my advantage! Stop those weird moves and listen! I have a plan! We'll split up into two teams! One will draw the Winx away, and the other will take that opportunity to absorb the core! Understand? You go create a diversion, is that so hard? Go, quick! Move it!

Scene: Auditorium

  • The music suddenly stops*

Musa: What was that?
Aisha: It came from the bow of the ship.
Bloom: Sounds like trouble. Let's go check it out.
Twinkly: Um... sorry, we have a slight technical problem. The concert will resume as soon as possible!

Scene: Peripla

Bloom: Time to transform!

  • Cosmix transformation*

Bloom: Something's getting closer!
Aisha: Careful! It could be dangerous.
Stella: It's okay! It's just some Staryummies. Out of the way, little monsters! Too easy! I'm just the best!
Tecna: It doesn't make sense! Why are they here instead of attacking the core?
Bloom: Oh, no! It's a trap!
Obscurum: The time has come! Follow me!

Scene: Auditorium

Obscurum: Take those magic instruments and wreak a little havoc! It's over, Lumens! And now, have your bellyful of core!

Scene: Peripla

Flora: Someone used our instruments!
Musa: And they are seriously tone-deaf!
Bloom: Let’s hurry, girls!

Scene: Control Room

Obscurum: Advance on the core!
Captain: To your stations! Push back the enemy! Aah! Get away!
Obscurum: You can stop now, Starchomps! The core is unguarded.

Scene: Specialists' Spacecraft

Timmy: That thief sure knows what he's doing.
Sky: Try not to lose him, Timmy! Riven, can you do something?
Riven: Pft, of course! I'll get it with the tractor beam. Sit back and enjoy the show! Gotcha! Hooked it perfectly. Now it'll be impossible to shake us!
Timmy: Uh oh... he's trying to attack!
Riven: I dropped the tractor beam. Brandon, your turn!
Brandon: Child's play! Ha! I'm simply the best.
Timmy: Guys, we better get ready for a roller coaster ride!
Brandon: Never do that again.
Helia: Guys! Looks like we have a new problem here!
Sky: Ah! He's coming at us with some kind of smokescreen! Nex! You're up!
Nex: Protective shields at maximum!
Sky: Brace for impact!

  • An explosion is created*

Helia: Where did he go?

Scene: Control Room

Obscurum: Stop your bickering! What are you doing, you two? Absorb the core, quickly!

Scene: Specialists' Spacecraft

Timmy: Something strange is going on. It looks like Peripla has disappeared!
Sky: Check our course, Helia! What's our position?
Timmy: Spatial irregularity detected!
Sky: What?
Timmy: Something is pulling us in!
Sky: It's a black hole!

Scene: Control Room

Bloom: Oh no! We're too late! Obscurum and his Starchomps have already absorbed the core!
Obscurum: Let's go deliver Peripla's light into the hands of Lord Valtor now!
Bloom: Not so fast!
Obscurum: No!
Sky: Owl to Peripla, can you hear us? We're in big trouble!
Bloom: Sky!
Sky: Bloom! We can't see Peripla's light! Our instruments are offline and we're about to be swallowed by a black hole! I don't know how much longer we're gonna–
Bloom: Sky! Sky, can you hear me?
Tecna: We lost the signal.
Bloom: Peripla will return to shine! Right now! Focus your powers on the core!
Obscurum: Hurry up! This way, you fools!
Aisha: But then Obscurum will escape!
Bloom: We have no choice, Aisha! Let him go. The Specialists need us!
Winx: Cosmix Power!

Scene: Specialists' Spacecraft

Sky: All systems are down!? Open the screen, prepare for manual steering!
Nex: Look! Peripla's light is back. And it's even brighter than before!
Sky: The Winx did it! Follow that light!
Helia: Impossible! Engines are idling and our instruments are down!
Timmy: Re-route power from weapons and the shield to main engines! We can use our manual overrides!
Riven: But we'll just have one chance.
Timmy: It's our only chance. Otherwise, we're lost. According to my calculations, we have enough power to reach the starship.
Sky: I'm taking the helm!
Timmy: We can do this! Brace yourselves!

  • The spacecraft jumps straight to Peripla*

Timmy: We can do this! Brace yourselves!
Riven: Yeah. You saved us, Timmy!
Brandon: We're saved, but the Owl wasn’t so lucky.
Sky: And our thief gave us the slip.

Scene: Ending

Narrator: The Winx will need their Cosmix power to charge up the Lumens and help Peripla escape the black hole. The Specialists will follow the trail of a mysterious ruby thief, who landed on Peripla, while the Winx are faced with an asteroid monster sent by Valtor.
